
Guide for Authors

We invite researchers from all over the world to publish their researches in our journals. The authors submit their manuscript, which goes through rigorous review before publishing. The authors need to follow specific guidelines to prepare and submit the manuscript to get a faster publication.

Publication process follows a series of complex events made simple by AI at every step.

1. Manuscript Submission:

  • Authors prepare their manuscript following the journal’s submission guidelines.
  • The manuscript is submitted through the journal’s online submission system, along with any supporting documents and files.
  • Once the submission is complete, all co-authors also receive emails.

2. Initial Checks & Editorial Assessment:

  • The system does 12 initial checks to ensure the submission is valid and through. This generally takes about 3 hours since it is all automated and depends on system load.
  • The manuscript is visible to registrar who assign an editorial team. The editorial team conducts a preliminary review to assess the manuscript’s suitability for the journal, checking for compliance with submission guidelines, scope, and relevance.

3. Assignment to AI model and Reviewers:

  • BRJ aces in using AI to find the best match for reviewers and manuscript submitted given parameters like relevant field, reviewer profile and response time. Reviewers are two scientists, researchers, or professionals, which ensures the manuscript’s authenticity.
  • The editor and registrar confirms potential reviewers who are experts in the subject matter of the manuscript.
  • Two reviewers are invited to evaluate the manuscript, ensuring they have no conflicts of interest.

4. Double-Blind Review:

  • In the double-blind review process, both the reviewers’ and authors’ identities are concealed from each other.
  • Reviewers assess the manuscript based on originality, methodology, significance, and presentation. They are provided with a series of questioner to answer next.
  • They provide comments, critiques, and a recommendation (accept, revise, or reject).
  • Once the reviewers submit their answers, AI also does an in-depth analysis of manuscript, research conducted and the results. It also find any plagiarism in the research and also small details that reviewers might have missed.

5. Editorial Decision:

  • The editor considers reviewers’ feedback, AI’s feedback and makes a decision.
  • The decision, along with reviewers’ anonymized comments, is communicated to the authors.

6. Revision by Authors:

  • If revisions are required, authors are asked to address the reviewers’ comments and resubmit their manuscript.
  • The revised manuscript may undergo further rounds of review if necessary.

7. Final Decision:

  • Once any required revisions are satisfactorily addressed, the editor makes a final decision on the manuscript’s acceptability for publication.
  • After final author approval, the manuscript is formatted for publication. We encourage authors not to focus on formatting but on research as formatting is done by BRJ’s team itself.

8. Prepublication Proofing:

  • We want the papers to be published in the given time frame and properly, so we advise authors to be prompt with the communication and proofreading. We have developed the tools along with Research Circle to assist in the peer-review process. Review of the manuscript and allows any plagiarism or fabrication of data to be caught before publication.
  • Accepted manuscripts move into production.
  • Authors are provided with proofs of their manuscript and asked to check for any errors.

9. Publication:

  • Final checklist is approved by all the parties involved and emails are sent to authors.
  • The article is published online, accessible to readers under the terms of the journal’s open access policy.

10. Post-Publication:

  • Readers and researchers can access and cite the published work.
  • The journal may also facilitate post-publication discussions and evaluations.

Throughout this process, the journal ensures confidentiality and timely communication with both reviewers and authors to maintain the integrity of the review process

Authorship Policies

The following are the rules and regulations that make the foundation of our journal. Authors must go through it thoroughly as we believe in transparency with our authors.

Declaration of Conflicts of Interests

Conflicts of interest (COIs, also known as ‘competing interests’) occur when issues outside research could affect the work’s authenticity or assessment. This can happen at any stage in the research cycle, including during the experimentation phase. At the same time, a manuscript is being written, or during the process of turning a manuscript into a published article. An explicit declaration of all possible conflicts allows others to make informed decisions about the work and its review process.

  • It is required for authors to disclose (if any) all personal, institutional, business-oriented, and financial relationships or connections with other researchers or organizational bodies that can significantly add biasing to the content of submitted research.
  • Authors must declare current or recent funding (including for Article Processing Charges) and other payments, goods or services that might influence the work. All funding must be declared in the “Funding Statement”.
  • Submitting authors are responsible for co-authors declaring their interests. Declared conflicts of interest will be considered by the editor and reviewers and included in the published article.
  • Undeclared interests may incur sanctions. Submissions with undeclared conflicts that are later revealed may be rejected.
  • We work in collaboration with many research labs, institutions, online resources, and universities. Authors can also obtain a funding certificate from London Journals Press to get reimbursements from these research bodies.
  • If conflicts of interest are found after publication, this may be embarrassing for the authors, the Editor, and the journal. It may be necessary to publish a corrigendum or reassess the review process.
  • If the author is sure that there are no conflicts of interest, then he should declare-“The author(s) declare(s) that there is no conflict of interest regarding the publication of this article.”
  • If the author is unsure, he should declare a potential interest or discuss it with the editorial office or contact us at for required guidance.

Code of Conducts

We follow the code of conduct, business conducts, and ethics sincerely. Authors need to respect these guidelines and present their original research work, which should be carefully drafted from well-performed research with significant inferences.

  • Authors must provide their research data and must be prepared to make it public even after the years of publication.
  • Genuine acknowledgment of other’s work should always be presented. Adding citations of other’s work is a part of it.
  • In case of finding an error or an inaccuracy author, it is the duty of the author to bring the publisher in knowledge and send rectifications. We support clinical trial transparency.
  • If the research work involves any hazardous experiment, experiments with animal or human subjects, it should be explicitly mentioned in the manuscript.
  • During submission declaration, corresponding and all co-authors must agree that the submitted manuscript has not been presented or published anywhere else.
  • Errors by the authors may be corrected by a corrigendum and errors by the publisher by an erratum.
  • If there are errors that significantly affect the conclusions or evidence of misconduct, this may require retraction or an expression of concern.

Author(s) Duties

Every author must follow the following policies to maintain a healthy academic relationship.

  • The corresponding author must carefully list all the co-authors and the information required for journal publication before submitting the manuscript.
  • The author can write an email to the editor regarding any modifications to this information which will be done after investigation and verification by the chief editor. Such changes are not possible after the publication of the paper.
  • All listed authors must agree to the responsibility of the journal and its publication.
  • The author needs to list everyone who contributed to the research or manuscript preparation.
  • In case the person is not an author, he should be acknowledged with his permission.
  • Submissions by anyone other than one of the authors will not be considered.

On submission of the manuscript, authors and co-authors confirm the exclusive copyright license agreement to us, giving us the authority to reuse, reproduce or publish research in any format. Authors can always distribute their work with their institution only for their internal non-commercial purposes. We also believe in flexible copyright terms where copyright may remain with authors/employers/institutions. Authors can contact the editor after acceptance to choose the copyright policy.

Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism includes copying text, ideas, images, or data from another source, even from your publications, without giving any credit to the source. We follow a strict policy against plagiarism. We follow rigorous procedures through our proprietary neural algorithms and “iThenticate” on every submitted article to avoid any plagiarism. Authors must not use the words, figures, or ideas of others without appropriate mention. All sources must be cited at the point they are used. Manuscripts that are found plagiarized will be retracted for the required corrections before publication.

Data Fabrication

Data fabrication refers to manipulating data of research, such as the end result of the research or the experimentation used to get the result. Such practices are not allowed and, once caught, will ultimately lead to rejection of the respective paper.

Manuscript Preparation

The manuscript is the preview of the paper submitted by authors for publishing. Authors are suggested to read the guidelines and create the manuscript accordingly. Authors must take care in submitting a manuscript that is written in simple language and adheres to published guidelines.

Authors can submit papers and articles in an acceptable file format: MS­ Word (doc, Docx), LaTeX (.tex, .zip or .rar including all of your files), Adobe PDF (.pdf), rich text format (.rtf), simple text document (.txt), Open Document Text (.odt), and Apple Pages (.pages). Our professional layout editors will format the entire paper according to our official guidelines. Boston Research Journals accepts articles and manuscripts in every major language, including Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, French, German, Dutch, Italian, Greek, or any other national language, given that the title, subtitle, and abstract should be in English. This will facilitate indexing and the pre-peer review process.

The following is the official style and template developed for the publication of a research paper. Authors are not required to follow this style during the submission of the paper. It is just for reference purposes.

Manuscript Style Instruction (Optional)

  • Microsoft Word Document Setting Instructions.
  • The font type of all text should be Swis721 Lt BT.
  • Page size: 8.27″ x 11’”, left margin: 0.65, right margin: 0.65, bottom margin: 0.75.
  • Paper title should be in one column of font size 24.
  • Author name in font size of 11 in one column.
  • Abstract: font size 9 with the word “Abstract” in bold italics.
  • Main text: font size 10 with two justified columns.
  • Two columns with an equal column width of 3.38 and spacing of 0.2.
  • The first character must be three lines drop-capped.
  • The paragraph before spacing of 1 pt. And after of 0 pt.
  • Line spacing of 1 pt.
  • Large images must be in one column.
  • The first main headings’ names (Heading 1) must be in Roman font, capital letters, and font size of 10.
  • The names of the second main headings (Heading 2) must not include numbers and must be in italics with a font size of 10.

Structure of Manuscript

The recommended size of an original research paper is under 15,000 words, and review papers under 7,000 words. Research articles should be less than 10,000 words. Research papers are usually longer than review papers. Review papers are reports of significant research (typically less than 7,000 words, including tables, figures, and references)

A research paper must include:

  1. A title that should be relevant to the theme of the paper.
  2. A summary, known as an abstract (less than 150 words), containing the major results and conclusions.
  3. Up to 10 keywords that precisely identify the paper’s subject, purpose, and focus.
  4. An introduction, giving fundamental background objectives.
  5. Resources and techniques with sufficient complete experimental details (wherever possible by reference) to permit repetition, sources of information must be given, and numerical methods must be specified.
  6. Results should be presented concisely by well-designed tables and figures.
  7. Statistical data gathered with attention to numerical detail in the planning stage. Any research paper without adequate numerical treatments of the data will be returned unrefereed.
  8. Discussion should cover implications and consequences with summarized conclusions.
  9. There should be brief acknowledgments. The references must be in the conventional format (APA format).

Authors should carefully consider the preparation of papers to ensure that they communicate effectively. Papers are much more likely to be accepted if they are carefully designed and laid out, contain few or no errors, are concise, and follow instructions. They will also be published with much fewer delays than those that require much technical and editorial correction.

The Editorial Board reserves the right to make literary corrections and suggestions to improve brevity.

Format of Manuscripts

The manuscript is the preview of the paper submitted by authors for publishing. Authors are suggested to read the guidelines and create the manuscript accordingly. Authors must take care in submitting a manuscript that is written in simple language and adheres to published guidelines.

Authors can submit papers and articles in an acceptable file format: MS­ Word (doc, Docx), LaTeX (.tex, .zip or .rar including all of your files), Adobe PDF (.pdf), rich text format (.rtf), simple text document (.txt), Open Document Text (.odt), and Apple Pages (.pages). Our professional layout editors will format the entire paper according to our official guidelines. Boston Research Journals accepts articles and manuscripts in every major language, including Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, French, German, Dutch, Italian, Greek, or any other national language, given that the title, subtitle, and abstract should be in English. This will facilitate indexing and the pre-peer review process.

The following is the official style and template developed for the publication of a research paper. Authors are not required to follow this style during the submission of the article. It is just for reference purposes.


All manuscripts submitted to our journal should include:

The title page must carry an informative title that reflects the content, a running title (less than 45 characters together with spaces). The title of the manuscript should be concise and relevant.

The title page should also contain full names and affiliations for each author and the place(s) where the work was carried out. The full postal address of all the related author(s) must be specified.

The abstract is the foundation of the research paper. The abstract must be concise, containing the summary and necessary inferences of the research paper. The abstract should be a single paragraph and should not contain references or unexplained abbreviations or acronyms or any mathematical equation. Although, it is better to include the keywords in the abstract as it makes the paper easy to be searched online. The abstract should be an objective representation of the article.

Keywords are the words that are the highlight of the paper. These keywords help to easily browse the specific paper. Three to ten pertinent keywords need to be added after the abstract. Keywords should be as specific as possible and they should be connected with the subject of the paper. Authors should include at least 3 to 5 keywords that contain the extract of the paper excluding any mathematical formulae and over exaggerating words.

The main text of the paper should begin with a brief introduction of the research. The introduction should highlight the importance of the research. It should contain the theories and hypotheses leading to the research. It should be relative to the context of the paper as well as comprehensible by the readers of other disciplines.

Authors should mention all the methods used in the research with all the necessary elements to allow the replication of the results. They should be transparent and, where appropriate, supported by references.

Authors must list all the abbreviations used in the paper at the end of the paper or in a separate table before using them.

Authors are advised to use one of the software for formulas such as MathJax, KaTeX, or LaTeX, or in a very high-quality image.

Tables should be cautiously designed, uncrowned, and should include only essential data. Each table must have an Arabic number, e.g., Table 4, a self-explanatory caption, and be on a separate sheet. Authors must submit tables in an editable format. Authors should mention references to these tables (if any) accurately.

Figures are supposed to be submitted as separate files. File for Figures and Schemes must be provided during submission in a single zip archive and at a sufficiently high resolution (minimum 1000 pixels width/height, or a resolution of 300 dpi or higher). Common formats are accepted, however, TIFF, JPEG, EPS and PDF are preferred. Figures should have a caption and should be cited by an Arabic number. The containing file should have a high resolution.

Additional Notes

  • Authors can directly submit the paper without registering on our website using a form. They will get an automated email with the details after the submission. Article tracking information will be sent after the assignment of peer reviewers, usually within a week.
  • We welcome papers/articles in every standard format. Our professionals will rewrite the paper to the journal’s standard form.
  • Acceptable file formats: MS­Word (doc, doc.x), LaTeX (.tex, .zip or .rar including all of the files), Adobe PDF (.pdf), Rich Text Format (.rtf), simple text document (.txt), Open Document Text (.odt), Apple Pages (.pages).
  • We accept research papers, articles, reviewed papers in all the main languages used worldwide like English, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, French, German, Dutch, Italian, and Greek. Further, it is mandatory that authors submit the title of the paper and abstract in English as well.

Data, Tables & Electronic Figures

Print publication requires high-quality images to prevent the final product from being blurred or fuzzy. Submit (possibly by email) EPS (vector art) or TIFF (halftone/photographs) files only. MS PowerPoint and Word Graphics are unsuitable for printed pictures. Avoid using pixel-oriented software. Scans (TIFF only) should have a resolution of at least 350 dpi (halftone) or 700 to 1100 dpi (line drawings). Please give the data for figures in black and white or submit a Color Work Agreement form. EPS files must be saved with fonts embedded (and with a TIFF preview, if possible).

For scanned images, the scanning resolution at final image size ought to be as follows to ensure sound reproduction: line art: >650 dpi; halftones (including gel photographs): >350 dpi; figures containing both halftone and line images: >650 dpi.