At Boston Research, we are privileged to serve the scientific by combining advanced technology with reliable research to deliver knowledge that is globally accessible. Our journals cover publishing options for authors and researchers across all subject areas.
Journals & Subjects

Boston Research Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities
Subjects Covered Under The Journal
History & Archeology
The study of past activities and sustenance by the study of materials, carvings or inscriptions left behind.
Education, Language & Literature
The learning of skills and values and their transfer through verbal communication and written works.
Law & Criminology
The system of rules and their physical and psychological effects on society.
Political Science & Sociology
The sciences of political behavior and social behavior.
Sports & Physical Education
The study of physical aspects of the human body and maintenance of physical fitness through physical activities.
Culture & Tourism
The acknowledgment of the historical foundations, traditions, and beliefs of communities and their mingling through travel.
Art & Applied Science
The varied range of human activities and science of practical significance of social sciences.
The study of physical realms of the earth and their connections with human societies.
Family & Child studies
The study of physical and psychological aspects of a family and guidance to provide better nurturing to child.
Boston Research Journal of Computers & Information Technology
Subjects Covered Under The Journal
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
The development of machines to perform intelligent tasks such as reasoning and decision making.
Cloud & Quantum Computing
The virtual spaces provided by applications for storage of data that could be accessed later.
Computer vision, graphics and media
The application of various computer graphics and media for illustration and analysis of data.
Softwares & Algorithms
Development of internal data of computer and specific instructions to accurately process this data.
Big Data, Data & Databases
The collection, management, and storage of data are large and complex.
Network & Security
The connection of devices for mutual exchange of data and protection of data from hackers.
Hardware and IOT
The manufacturing and development of the devices that make up the computer and work in harmony while taking the input, processing the data and giving the output.
Boston Research Journal of Engineering & Material Science
Subjects Covered Under The Journal
Civil Engineering & Construction
Compilation of earth science, architectural engineering and material science for creation of infrastructure.
Materials Science
Combination of engineering, physics and chemistry principles to solve the problems associated with engineering.
Mechanical & Automotive
Manufacturing and designing of hardware or machines including automobiles.
Energy & Industrial
Analysis of functioning of industries and development with use of appropriate and advanced technologies.
Electrical & Electronics Engineering
The branch of engineering that deals with study of application of electricity and various devices with electrical components.
Robotics & Automation
Development of intelligent machines such as robots with advanced technologies.
The branch of engineering that deals with application and development of technology on molecular level.
Boston Research Journal of Business & Management
Subjects Covered Under The Journal
Business, Management & Administration
Establishment, management and proper maintenance of a profit generating organization or business.
Resource & Asset Management
Development of policies for efficient and effective use of resources and management of assets to ensure maximum profit of an organization.
Economics, Finances & Accounting
Assessment of quantitative methods, management of capital and calculation of profit and economic transfers of any organization.
Marketing & Trade
Promotion of a product to enhance the trade of an organization.
Boston Research Journal of Science & Mathematics
Subjects Covered Under The Journal
Chemistry & Chemical Engineering
Study of structures and properties of various elements and compounds for development of more useful substances.
Agriculture & Food Sciences
The art of cultivation of food and study of nutrition.
Mathematics & Statistics
Mathematics is science of shape, quantities and various operations performed on these quantities. Statistics includes the interpretation of data to get a conclusion.
Physics & Astronomy
The science of matter, space, time and other entities. Astronomy is the science of celestial objects and phenomena.
Earth, Marine & Environmental Science
The study of physical and chemical constitution of land and water bodies on Earth that constitute the environment.
Biology & Life Sciences
The study of living organisms and their structures, metabolism and evolution.
Boston Research Journal of Medical & Pharma
Subjects Covered Under The Journal
Pharmacology, Medicine & Diseases
Determination of a disease and application of appropriate drugs or medications for recovery and restoration of health.
Veterinary Science & Medicine
The study of diagnosis and treatment of diseases in animals.
Gynecology and Obstetrics
Gynecology is study of treatment of female reproductive system. Obstetrics deals with pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period.
Radiology, Imaging and Instrumentation
The use of medical imaging through radiations and instruments for treatment of diseases within the body.
The study of diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system.
The study of treatment of diseases of the heart and circulatory system.
Dentistry and Otolaryngology
Dentistry consists of study of treatment of oral cavity. Otolaryngology consists of study of treatment of head and neck conditions.
Curing diseases by performing some procedures on patients with the help of instruments.
Oncology & Radiotherapy
Oncology is the study of treatment of cancer. Radiotherapy includes treatment of cancer with the help of radiations.
The study of cognitive process, social behaviour and mental health and treatment of mental health disorders.
The study of diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases.