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Breaking Research Boundaries To Support Open Opportunities For All.

Boston Research is dedicated to aiding researchers, scientists, and academicians to accelerate progress in science and medicine. We are focused on two significant factors, better peer review and broader reach of published work. BRJ publishes filtered, open access research papers following international standards.

  • Extensive Peer Review To Publish Quality Research
  • Secure Research Archives To Keep Research For Ages
  • Extended Reach of Published Work Resulting In Better Citations
  • AI-Based Manuscript Management & Automation Of Trivial Tasks Resulting In Easier Processes
  • Transparent Communication Between BRJ Teams & Authors

Novel & Comprehensive Peer Review Process

We believe in an encrypted double-blind peer review process that is easy to use for authors, reviewers, and editors and let the system do all the heavy work. Our revolutionary approach optimizes the review process and shortens its time from months down to days.

BRJ is one of the first research publication organizations to fully embrace and make use of advanced AI models in peer review and distribution.
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