Indigenous knowledge varies across contexts and is now gaining attention from global thinkers who explore…

Circular Economy from Waste to Wealth: Sustainable Human Development Evidence in Nigeria
The problem of waste disposal constitutes serious environmental challenges facing many cities and there is…

A Cultural System of Religious Beliefs
The present article of reflection, through a qualitative study, elaborates a documentary investigation, whose main…

Pedagogical Practice as the Basic Nucleus of Research, Innovation and Professional Skills
This paper describes and illustrates the singular phenomenon of pedagogical practice as a basic nucleus…

An Analytic Exposition of Some Paranormal Occurrences and the Challenges on the Christian Faith: A Case Study in Igboland
The Christian faith in the present era is undergoing serious difficulties and persecutions. And the…

Community Awareness on Changing Gender Roles in Seed Yam Production Implications for Food Security_ Example of the Community Action for Improving Farmer Saved Seeds (CAY-Seed) Project
Yam production in West Africa is male dominated, despite the different roles played by various…

The Charcoal Trade Conundrum in Climate Emergency in Nigeria
Trade in charcoal made from wood yields millions of dollars to developing states exporters every…

An Empirical Study on the Learning Situation of Students Taking Online Classes
The purpose of this study is to clarify the learning situation of students taking online…